The MukMuk Revolution is upon us. Rise up.

When the Revolution come I’m gonna be up front
With my finga on the trigga of a Mossburgh Pump
When the Revolution come I’m gonna be right there
With my nine in my hand and braids in my hair

Yes folks, I am of the firm belief that the gifted lyricist Coolio wrote this song for one purpose and one purpose only…to ready me for the coming battle.

For those few of you who may not know what I’m referring to, let me fill you in. I am talking about an injustice of monumental proportions, an event which has shaken the very foundations of our society.

That’s right, I am talking about “MukMukGate.” What is this, you ask? We’ll, for those of you living under a rock, this all began with the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee announcing their cast of mascots for the 2010. You can get the details here, but basically it boils down to a cast of three make believe creatures (a Sasquatch, thunder bird, and sea bear).

Now, if you visit the mascot site, you will notice this cute and cuddly little critter:


Yes, this adorable creature is MukMuk the Marmot. A REAL animal from Vancouver. So is MukMuk another mascot? No, this poor little guy has been relegated to “sidekick” status. A SIDEKICK. This is an outrage, nay, a crime against humanity!

Am I the only one who is upset about this? Of course not. Others who have been following this emerging issue are equally incensed. Here’s what some have to say:

FYI’s Blog

Vancouver Sun Letter
How did this come to pass? Who is responsible for this? I have two theories:

1) An anti-marmot smear campaign orchestrated by the Vancouver wing of the Black Squirrels of Victoria Park

or, 2) Blatant Marmotism – it’s a well known fact that marmots have been persecuted throughout history (The Marmot Crusades, the internment of Marmots during WWII, etc.) and I think this is just the most recent example of this.

So, let us join Coolio, braid our hair, grab our shotguns, and start the MukMuk Revolution!

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12 responses to “The MukMuk Revolution is upon us. Rise up.”

  1. jimsey says :

    Now I hate vickey and albert more than ever….

    Viva la revolution!

  2. Humberto says :

    Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks.

    The boy sitting on the bench was photoshoped! Don’t know what the hell I’m taking about? Go ahead and “log’er in on your computer” at “victoria, dash……park dot com” (in three part harmony of course) that’s Now click play on the video. Good. Now at -2:39 and again at -1:53 notice the boy on the bench. That’s not natural. What kind of crazy conspiracy is this? Where have all the children gone!? Why so many black squirrels?!?!!?

    I don’t like it.

  3. Ben says :

    Egads, man, you’re right! I willing to bet that, prior to photo shopping that goofy little kid in, they had an image of MukMuk being desecrated by the squirrels.

  4. Mikhail says :

    To make things worse, it appears that MukMuk will be relegated to picking up trash at the Olympics….It’s an outrage….

  5. Janet says :

    I too am outraged that MukMuk has been relegated to an insignificant sidekick. I live in on Vancouver Island where MukMuk and his family reside and his importance is anything but insignificant; in fact we even close down our ski hill every year so that MukMuk and his buddies can pro-create and bring their population back up in peace. I don’t know about you but I think that is worth a place on a t-shirt and some public appearances or at least a stuffie in his likeness. I for one am starting a where is MukMuk campaign and there are a bunch of hockey moms that will join me.

  6. Ben says :


    Glad we have the backing of real Vancouver Islander. Perhaps we can recruit you as our eyes and ears on the ground as we organize the resistance.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Che Mukmuk says :

    I just found this blog. It appears the rage has been simmering for a while out there, and I am not alone. I started a grass roots movement several moths ago, when I found out about the MukMuk travesty. I call it M.A.R.M.O.T. – or the Movement to Acknowledge and Redress MukMuk’s Olymipic Torment. Our organization is rather poor, and I’m the only member so far. Oh well, even the grandest Vancouver Island mountain covered in marmots was once just a grain of sand… For free membership in M.A.R.M.O.T. send an e-mail to Yes, that’s a real address. We should plan a riot or something.

  8. Mukster says :

    I say we flood downtown Vancouver with Mukmuk posters. Let’s give a voice to the voiceless! Let’s give height to the vertically challenged! Mukmuk will have his day. VANOC will rue the day they turned down this marmot!

    Viva la revolution! Viva M.A.R.M.O.T.!

    On a side note I think I’ll download an image of Mukmuk and make my own shirt and/or mug.

  9. Ben says :

    Now yer talking, Mukster! let me know when those Muk Muk shirts are rolling off the press (or whatever it is shirts roll of off) and I’ll be first in line.

  10. MukMuk for Mascot! says :

    Fight back people! Show your support at the MukMuk for Mascot rally, 12:30, Tuesday, February 23 @ the Countdown Clock in downtown Vancouver!!

Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Make Your Own Mukmuk! « Ben Co. - January 11, 2008
  2. - New Olympic Mascot to Vanoc: Status ain’t hood - November 28, 2008

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